Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Monday, 8/12/24, Peyton and I went to watch Eli show his sheep. He did a great job and got 3rd Place in Showmanship, Bill picked up Jack and spent the day with him, Jacob drove to our house with Eli, they helped Bill pick up a washer and dryer

Peyton, Adam and Hope
Eli before he showed his sheep, Salami
I took this picture and then we all had a good laugh because it looked like Hope’s leg is missing.  I did a retake then which is below
The girls are finally taller than Adam

Lots of great pictures of Eli showing his sheep.  He did great and got 3rd place!  His sheep didn’t cooperate at times, but he still did amazing working with it to place 3rd.  I loved watching him!
It was a Nana and Peyton fun day too!  We took a selfie at the fair!
Jack and Jacob helping move the old dryer out
Eli had to take the dryer door off and got right at it without even being asked


Bill dropped Jack off at his house because it was after 10 when they got back here.  Eli, Jacob and Papa deciding how to get the heavy washer into the house.  It’s going to have to come in the front door so will be a project for another day.  They were tired and sore from bringing it up awful stairs at the other place,

I picked Peyton up at 8 a.m. and we headed to the fair.  We got to park again for free.  There’s never anyone at the gate that early.  Kimmy and Jared didn’t know that and could have parked lots closer all these years.  I guess I should have said something a long time ago, but I didn’t know they didn’t know.  We walked to where they show sheep and found them right away.  Took pictures as is tradition.  I was very proud of Eli and the way he showed his sheep.  He is quite an amazing grandson!  He also had to go out again for the meat showing.  His sheep didn’t end up weighing as much as the thought it would.  The judge still had great things to say about it.  I was going to take Adam to his school, but where Eli got done so quickly, Kimmy and Jared did.  Peyton and I walked with them and Eli to Tropical Smoothie to get Peyton, Adam and Hope.  That was right by where they had parked.  We got our hugs and said goodbye, then Peyton and I headed back to walk around the fair and go through the Merchant building.  We looked at some stuff for sale that Peyton liked, but she didn’t want me to get her anything.  After we walked around, we went through the 4 H building which was fun.  Then we decided to sit on a bench for 10 minutes til the Merchant building opened.  Kimmy called and she found knee braces for Adam for great prices at Walgreen’s.  Adam’s knee was bothering him some, then he and Jacob were wrestling around and it got hurt worse.  He is having Soccer tryouts tonight so really needs a brace.  I wanted Kimmy to use my card to get them free, so we headed to meet her.  I really want Adam to have these for tonight and free is the right price! We went to the wrong store, but Peyton had fun looking at Squishmallows while I called Kimmy to see which one she was at.  It was only a few miles away, so we headed there.  We got to the right store and found Kimmy.  She got them.  We went out to the parking lot and talked to Jared, Adam and hope for a minute, then left.  

Peyton and I planned on going back to the Merchant’s building, but she asked me if we could just go to thrift stores instead because it would be more fun!  I agreed.  I love this girl so much.  We did have so much fun!  I told her I would get her something but the only thing she really found she liked was a set of bracelets for $3.99.  I got them for her and she put them on right away.  She reminded me so much of her mom when she looked at stuff.  She said she wasn’t hungry when I asked her if she wanted something to eat.  When we only had one more store to go to. Melissa and I talked and were saying how delicious the pulled pork Bruce made for the graduation party was.  He took some to work, but left some home for hr and Jack.  She told me Bill picked up Jack, so I should come over and eat his because he wouldn’t care.  By this time Peyton was hungry and wanted to go to McDonald’s.  We went through the drive through and got her a hamburger, fries and a Oreo McFlurry with extra Oreos.  She was very happy with that.  I took her home and then headed to Melissa’s.  We had our yummy pulled pork sandwiches and then had dirt dessert with gummy worms left over from the party! Yum!  Evan was so sweet and fun while I was there.  I use do love him too!  Melissa  were talking to Vikki and she and the kids wanted this dessert too.  Melissa packed some up for them.  I went to. the Library to pick up more free covid tests for Vikki because she had to use the last one she had.  Then I dropped off the tests and the desserts on the porch.  Peyton came out to get them.  I sure am missing my Vikki!  It was cute because Lateran I was telling Vikki that I had so much fun with Peyton and Peyton had told her that she had so much fun with Nana. It was a special memory making day the entire day.  

I got home and I heard Jack and Papa in the basement laughing and having so much fun playing ping pong.  It made my heart so happy to hear Jack laughing like that!  I love him so much too!  They came upstairs and I hung out with Jack for a while.  He helped me put chlorine tablets in the pool floater dispenser,  Then he and Bill put liquid chlorine in the pool.

Jacob drove Eli here and all three boys helped get the old washer and dryer out of the house.  They left to go to Yale to pick up the new ones.  It was a long drive and they had to carry this super heavy washer upstairs.  When they got here, they brought the dryer I, ut the washer wouldn’t fit through the door from the garage so will have to come in the front door.  Jacob said his arms were sore and all agreed it would be another days project.  I was glad and prayed for all of them after all that hard work and body strain.  I love them so much.  I love all my grandkids and family!  I am blessed.

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