Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Tues., 8/6/24 Up at 4;30 a.m., surgery at 7;15 a.m., in recovery by 8;15 and left for home at 9;15, goy food from Tim Hortons, rained hard on the drive home.

Only two pictures I have from today and Bill took them.  He wanted to send them to the girls he said.

We were up and at em early this morning so we could make it to U OF M
OUTPATIENT at 6;15.  It was raining out and dark out, but Bill got us there and to the right entrance 10 minutes early.  They took us back before we could even sit down. 
They did all the pre-surgery stuff in the room and gave me a nerve block in my arm. I watched the ultra sound the Anesthesiologist used to direct the other two Anesthesiologists
where to inject the blockers.  They told me I would be awake for the surgery and would hear voices.  Also said to let them know if I felt pain during the surgery. I didn’t hear anything or feel anything. I was happy about that.  I ate graham crackers and drank apple juice, then left for home. I texted the girls to let them know all went well and we were on our way home. I was very thankful for their prayers and all the prayers from church family on the prayer page.  Vikki called me to check on me. We stopped at Tim Hortons and got bagels, a donut and coffee for Bill and an ice capp for me. It rained most of the way home.  It stopped when we got close to home.  We had 3 inches in our rain gauge though.  when we got home I got out of the car and my arm fell out of the sling.  I still didn’t have any feeling in it so it felt like a heavy log to me.   It was so weird.  That happened a couple of times to me.  Kimmy called me to see how I was. We talked and FaceTimed a long time, then I FaceTimed with Melissa, Vikki, and Kenzie too.   Around 4, feeling came back in my arm and hand, so I was able to take the sling off.  I could raise my arm up myself and put it on a pillow to elevate it. my hand is in a splint until August 19th when they take it off.  I got lots of messages checking on how I was.  I talked to Sue, Wes, Gayla, my sister Brenda, Debbie, and my BFF Vikki. Bill too good care of me all day and picked up Popeye’s chicken tenders for dinner. there is so much I can’t do without my right hand.  I am so thankful to God that my surgery went great1  He answered all those prayers and gets all the Glory.  He has blessed me with such a caring family and such caring friends.

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