Monday, August 26, 2024

Monday, 8/26/24, Did hand exercises, baked chocolate chip cookies for RFS bake sale at Rally, got gas at Kroger with Bill, went to Melissa’s, went to therapy, went to Sam’s, went to Jack’s, baked another batch of cookies, picked tomatoes and corn and took them to Sue with some cookies too,

Eli is making such nice pens

My hand is healing nicely.  My therapist said it’s amazing and I won’t be there much longer.  Yay! Thank you God!

I did all of my exercises after I drank my coffee.  It takes a while since more get added each time I go.  I filled the bird feeders.  No more jelly needed as the orioles are all gone.  Hummingbirds are still coming though.  I baked a batch of Chocolate Chip Cookies to take to our state rally for the bake sale Bev and I head up.  I went out in the camper and Bill showed me the new ceiling fan was hooked up and working now.  He had to cut the inside frame and put it in and it will be done.  It is so nice and works so well.  

I was getting ready to go to therapy and was just about to go out the door when they called and said another patient who lived far away came here for a doctor appt. and then came to therapy.  His appt. was at 2 and they wanted to know if I could trade times with him.  I told them yes, so went and got gas with Bill and then got Ice Capps and donuts and headed to Melissa’s.  Max was there so I gave him the Boston Creme.  He was pretty happy.  I was glad to see him.  Melissa and I visited and I gave each dog some treats.  I left to go to therapy and when I got out of my car a guy was getting into his truck and stopped to thank me for changing appointments with him.  I had been wondering if he was the one I traded with, so it was nice to find out it was.  

Therapy went great with new exercises and putty and a piece of foam to bring home to add to my collection.  My therapist is a hand specialist and sure was happy with how my hand is doing.  She does a great job!

I went to Sam’s and got some groceries, then went to Jack’s and got a few more.  Then I came home and Bill carried the groceries in for me and helped put them away.  

We warmed our left over meals from Zhenders up for dinner.  I called Sue to see if she wanted me to pick some corn and bring it to her.  Bill had to leave for an Elder’s meeting.  He told me the fan/vent in the camper was all done.  I was going to go look at it and totally forgot until dark.  I took the corn, some cherry tomatoes, big tomatoes and a green pepper to Sues, plus a container full of cookies.  She didn’t answer her phone, but did before I got to her house.  She was outside pulling weeds.  I am glad she is keeping busy and seemed to be doing good.  We visited for a while, then I headed home to do my hand exercises.  I talked to each of the girls and also texted some friends to let them know when Charlie’s memorial is going to be.  

Adam got his results from his MRI and has a torn ACL.  He will have to have therapy, then will have to have surgery.  I am so sad for him, but I know God works all things out for good for those who love Him and are the called according to His purpose.  Romans 8:28.  I have seen this many times over, so I always say “Yet will I trust Him”, another great scripture.  
I am praying for my sweet Adam.  


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