Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Tuesday, 8/27/24, packed camper, worked on Bible study with Bill we will be teaching, did lots of hand exercises, picked corn for Vikki, Sue and us

Deer Jared hit, or rather should I say it hit him.  It was running full speed.
During the storm

                                                    Video I took during the storm.
After the storm
Enjoy this wax melter so much!

Did my hand exercises first thing.  Kimmy called me and told me Jared hit a deer on his way to take Adam to school and go to work.  Bummer!  That’s two for their family and Bruce makes 3 for our whole family, not counting the one Hailey hit when she started driving.  I was sure glad they were ok.  He took the Jeep to Garber's to have them check it out.  

Bill and I read scriptures and worked on our Bible Study on Steadfastness.  I am teaching the lady's morning Bible Study at the Rally and Bill is teaching the men’s.  We had some good notes on Steadfastness to use too.  

Bill took his clothes out and packed them in the camper.  I packed mine and carried the light stuff out, but he had to carry the clothes baskets that were heavier.  I still can only lift 1-2 lbs. with my right hand.   I noticed today though that I can wring out the dishcloth.  I was so happy.  I couldn’t that yesterday yet.  Love seeing progress.  Melissa let me know there were supposed to be severe thunderstorms in Hope, then called back to say there were tornado warnings there.  I called Kimmy and she said the sirens were going off.  I sure prayed.  It hit us about a half hour later.  No tornado warnings here, just heavy rain (1 1/2 inches) and lots of wind.  Everybody here made it through safely.  Kimmy still doesn’t have power.  Jacob and Hailey did good at college.  Jacob did get caught in it walking.  

Sue called me to tell me how delicious the corn was we gave her.  She thought it was the best.  She is probably going to come celebrate Bill’s Birthday tomorrow night with us.

I made Salmon and baked potatoes and Bill picked more corn and husked it so we had that too.  Yum!  I picked more for Sue and then helped Bill pick some for Vikki til he sent me in to cook ours for dinner and he picked more for Vikki.  

I did more exercises....doing 4 times a day usually and if busy 3 times a day.  

Went over the Bible Study lesson again and packed more stuff.  Going over my camping list too and packing more.   

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