Friday, August 16, 2024

Friday, 8/16/24, Kimmy, Adam and Eli, Vikki, Peyton and Isaac came over to spend the day, Jack and Evan came over to hang out, ˙ Hailey came over Adam got injured at soccer practice and has to go to an orthopedic surgeon to be checked out, Bummer, Had zoom meeting with our area reps.

Rehvyn and his Grammy were sure happy to see each other today
He liked the walker I got for him.  It holds lots of toys
Isaac and Eli

Kenzie and Peyton
Rehvyn liked the barnyard toy just like the grandkids all did
Eli watching Rehvyn play
Eli is so good with Rehvyn
Isaac took these 3 pictures and sent them to me
Jack, Evan and Peyton

We let Hailey know Rwhvyn was here and she came over right away to see him.  She sure does love him!

My favorite Hibiscus
Evan loves Rehvyn too and is so good with him!

Hailey is amazing with Rehvyn

We had our girl's Friday gathering with the grandkids included.  Melissa couldn’t make it, but Jack and Evan did. Kenzie and Rehvyn came too.  We haven’t seen them in a long time because of going to BayShore, then covid spreading.  We were sure happy to see them both!  
It rained pretty hard out for a while, then just rained gently.  My plants are happy and so am I that I don’t have to water them.  At 11, Vikki and rode with Kimmy to take Adam to school to get his schedule and pick up his computer. We parked and waited for him and he was out in a few minutes.  We saw the deer Bruce hit yesterday on our way to his school. We came back to our house and Kenzie and Peyton came back with Culver’s small sundaes for us. Yum!  Thanks Kenzie!  We ate lunch and had fun with Rehvyn while hanging out together. Kenzie had to leave and Vikki is having Rehvyn overnight.  Rehvyn watches for Kenzie and when he sees her he smiles so big.  He was happy to see his daddy when she FaceTimed him too.  Vikki is sure is happy she gets baby for the night.

We girls rode together again to take Adam to his soccer practice.  We almost left because no one was at either field and it was 3:30.  We even ordered a hot fudge brownie dessert from Big Boy for Adam with our orders.  Jared called and said practice was at 3:30 today, but then saw it was going to be at 4.  We dropped Adam off and went to Big Boy.  Vikki cancelled Adam’s dessert and we headed there.  Kimmy called Jared and was talking to him, then he surprised us by pulling in the parking spot right next to us,  Guess we shouldn’t have  cancelled that extra dessert.  Jared headed to Great Gifts because they are closing the store so they can help their parents more. Jared went to talk to them about moving their pottery and shelves out.  We were sad to hear they were closing.  We enjoyed our desserts but were really full afterwards.  We stopped at an antique store on our way home.  We had fun looking at things. Vikki got a Doiley and Kimmy almost bought a cute breadbox.  She didn’t, but called me later and I am picking it up for her tomorrow.  

When we got back, we called and let Hailey know Revhyn was at my house. She came over and played with him until she had to leave for Bible Study.  It was so much fun watching them together.  Kimmy git a call that Adam got injured at soccer practice.  He got kneed, then stepped into a hole.  He said everyone could hear his knee pop.  Yikes.  They have to call an orthopedic surgeon on Monday.  He is on crutches for now and said his pain is a 7 out of 10.  We all felt so bad that this happened to our Adam.  He is just so sweet and such a great kid.  We know Romans 8:28 though...that God works all things out for good for those who love God and are the called according to His purpose.  So thankful we know the Word so we can stand on it when something happens.  Many prayers are being prayed for our Adam.

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