Thursday, August 1, 2024

Friday, 8/2/24, Ate breakfast, went to our classes, Wes and Gayla came to visit and putt putt golf with us, it was a fun last day, classes and service were great, Always sad to have it end

Peyton, Evan and Isaac eating breakfast
Isaac getting ready.  Vikki told him he would be way too hot
Impact waiting to go to their service
Bill, me, Vikki, Hailey and Mia at our first class
Me and Vikki at our second class
Paul took two pictures of us
Hailey and Evan packing her car
Wes, Bill and Gayla at the parting of the Red Sea hole at Putt Putt
I won!  That’s the best score I’ve ever gotten and a first for sure!
Vikki, Hailey and Mia doing their tie dye shirts.  I finished mine so took these pictures
The worship group Heartsong with Peyton.  They were so kind and such great worship leaders
Becky, Dave, Kara and baby Lainey, Nick, Holly and Brian 
Mia and Hailey
Isaac, Vikki, Tammy and Peyton.  Tammy sang in the group, Living Truth and came to our church when the kids were probably 6 and 8.  They had them come up on stage and sing a song with them and were so sweet.  She wrote the BayShore Song we all love so much. For  114 years we’ve been growing in the Lord!!!!!
Peyton and Mia’s baby, Ava
Pastor Nash preaching

 It was a fun day at BayShore.  Classes were amazing again!  We will have to stream the classes we didn’t get to go in from the app when we get home.  I took Hailey to Taco Bell to pick up lunch for her.  The rest of us ate left over pizza.  Pauls mom came for a visit, and then Wes and Gayla came.  After Paul’s mom, Barb, left, Wes, Gayla, Bill and I played golf.  I was nervous on the first hole because of Jack getting stung yesterday.  I got the best score I’ve ever gotten and won.  We went to tie dye shirts at 4 and Gayla went for a swim.  They let Hailey make one even though she wasn’t signed up because 8 people who signed up couldn’t do it.  After that, we took Hailey;s tent down and ate dinner.

We packed up the motorhome, and Bill dumped it, then parked it so it’s ready for me to just pull staring out.  He got his motorcycle and put it next to it.  Then we went to the evening service.  Worship was just so good again and so was the message.  Lots of notes to go home and study from  this week. We saw Becky and Dave as we were coming out of the bathroom and said goodbye to them.  They are so sweet and invited us to come up and visit any time.  They live in Petosky and have had us spend the night a couple of times.  Very hospitable people and great friends.  We left after that, and got to drive mostly in the light of day.  Got a little dark right as we got home, but not bad yet.  Vikki and the kids came after they got out of Impact, and picked up all of their stuff out of the camper and got her car.  Hailey and Evan got home around the same time.  Melissa called to say Evan had a sore throat and Isaac had told Evan he did too.  We are praying!

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