Monday, January 17, 2022

Monday, 1/17/22, Made our way home from Iowa following friends and having fun together

Leaving our hotel this morning
The Cold Mississippi across from us...Saw a barge go down it                                     
Our drive along the river, we sure were close as this is right out my car window with no zoom
We were happy when we got in to Indiana.  We thought of you Lela!
Bill pointing to the circle on the map where we were when we ate at the restaurant

Bill, Al, Lucy, Jerry and Sandy eating their lunch.   Chairs were removed on the other side of the tables.  Also, no tables in the booths.  I sat eating my pizza at a booth and just used my lap for the pizza (see below) because I didn't really need a table like the rest did for their orders and I could use the window sill for my drink.  We thought it was because of Covid, but our friend, Ziggy lives a mile away and said on holidays they send them out to be cleaned.  We sure had a good laugh while we were there, watching people come in the door, look weird and then leave

Peyton is quite an artist already...above she is working on her picture and below she showing me the finished picture.  Great job Peyton!

We met for breakfast at the hotel at 7:30.  It was a great breakfast with omelets, crispy bacon, pancakes, oatmeal, fruit, yogurt and yummy cinnamon rolls.  We all were the only ones having breakfast down there.  This was an amazing and very very nice hotel.  We left after we finished breakfast and headed for home.  We stopped once for gas, and then stopped to eat at noon at a Taco Bell/Pizza Hut/Burger King place in Sawyer.  We left there and headed for Al and Lucy's house to see their new huge shed with heated floors and a she shed in the back, plus an area to park two enclosed trailers and an RV.  It was in Jackson, so right on our way. It was misting a little when we left the restaurants.  Traffic backed up and Bill saw on his phone there was a crash ahead.  It said 17 minutes ahead, but it was a longer wait than that.  When we got up by it there was a long stretch of guard rail smashed and laying there with orange barrels in front of it, a van with some damage, a car that rolled over totally smashed, and then a little ways down the road, more cars off the road on both sides.  It must have been icy.  We saw a salt truck on the other side dumping lots of salt as it went.  It didn't feel slippery, but we took our time just in case there were icy spots.  When we got to Al and Lucy's it stopped.  We looked at their shed, then they led us on the back roads to the road we needed to be on and saved us about 30 minutes of travel.  We had good roads the whole way home.  Sure have missed my family! Can’t wait to see them! Marie called and had to have an ambulance come get Roy and take him into the hospital.  He was very weak and asking to go to the hospital.  Gave us a scare for sure.  I got Melissa and Vikki praying right away and also put it on the Church Prayer page.  Kenzie called me right after we passed through Owosso.  Marie called me at 9:30 p.m. and let me know Roy had gallstones, had and ultrasound and they were figuring out what to do.   She finally called the hospital, because they hadn't called her and she can't be with him.  Texted with Kimmy, Adam and Jacob today!

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