Monday, January 3, 2022

Monday, 1/3/22, Took the tree down and took all the decorations down. Still have some to do in the family room

Beautiful sunny day, but very cold 19 degrees   

All of our Christmas Ornaments Debbie and family gave us from Bronners.  So beautiful!
I sent her this because she wants to make sure she doesn't get us doubles.  I didn't take a picture of the ones she got us for our 60th birthdays, Bill's 70th, our 40th Anniversary.  When I look at my tree each year, I sure have special thoughts of her and am very thankful for how beautiful her ornaments make my tree look.  I love how she has names of grandchildren on the packages under that tree ornament, and on the mitten ones and other flat tree.  Special memories of each one of these.

Plastic tubs are down and some ornaments are off the has begun!

Bill had a 9 a.m. therapy appt.  I got up and made coffee and breakfast.  Adam texted me and they didn't have a schedule for him, so he doesn't start at his new school until tomorrow.  I sure am praying for my sweet Adam when he starts.  I talked to Kimmy for a while while she was waiting for Adam to come out of the Post Office.  Messaged with Kenzie, and then called Sue to see how she was doing.  Charlie had 1/2 gallon of fluid taken off one lung, and he will have fluid taken off the other lung tomorrow.  Hopefully he can come home from the hospital after that.  I brought all of the tubs down from the attic.  Put on Maverick City Christmas music and then The Chosen Christmas music while I took the ornaments off the tree. Bill helped me get the lights off when he got home.  I packed up all of the Christmas decorations that were on tables and on the wall.  He carried all of the tubs upstairs for me.  I was so thankful for his help.  Got all but the family room done.  Bill is going to help me move furniture around in the living room tomorrow.  I went to Hobby Lobby and got a couple of Christmas items for 90% off.  Vikki called me and told me about everything being on sale.  She got a couple of great deals.  Not much left when I got there, but I did get some coffee/cocoa stirrers for 40 cents and and tin to put Christmas goodies in next year for 40 cents.  I talked to Roy and Marie did get her Covid test.  Had to wait in line 1 1/2 hours, as there were many getting tested.  They went to the drive through testing center.  I talked to Melissa in the evening.


Vikki's Blog said...

When I first read your title, I thought you meant you took that outside tree down. lol I was like what they took the tree down without Kimmy there. hahaha

Vikki's Blog said...

Wow, you have been busy! I can come help move the furniture back tomorrow. Let me know when. I have been thinking about Marie all day. I'm glad she got a Covid test. I've been praying that Roy doesn't get it. They are the sweetest!

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

I'm glad you are praying. They are so sweet and they appreciate your prayers. You are funny about the outside tree. Ha Ha. Dad did cut up the one that broke and fell over. He didn't wait for Kimmy. That was last week.