Saturday, January 1, 2022

Sat., 1/1/22, Slept in, Watched the Tournament of Roses Parade, Vikki, Rody and Kids came for left overs,

Isaac and Peyton when they were here today
Bill and Rody
Vikki and her new dyson...she got such a great too...she and Isaac vacuumed most of my house and my stairs.  It is such a nice vacuum!
Peyton, Paul, me and Vikki at Crooked Creek
Paul and Peyton
Paul getting ready to bowl
Paul and Vikki
When we were on our road, we saw Bill on the motorcycle.  He stopped so Vikki took a picture.  It was 29 degrees out. Brrr 
Paul and Bill at the bowling alley

We slept in until 9.  Sue called me and said Charlie was probably going to be in the hospital until Monday having more tests.  Bill read his Bible.  I unloaded the dishwasher, took a shower and did my hair.  We watched the Tournament of Roses Parade while we drank our coffee, and the floats were just beautiful.  Vikki, Rody and the kids came and ate leftovers with us.  We were all stuffed and too full for dessert.  Rody and Isaac left, and Vikki, Peyton and I went to see Paul at the bowling alley.  We were all happy to see each other.  Vikki gave Paul his Christmas gift.  When we got on our road, we saw Bill on his motorcycle.  He stopped and we took a picture.  Vikki told him he should go see Paul.  Vikki and Peyton left, and I was going to put all the nativity pieces from outside away in the attic.  I called Vikki to tell her she forgot to scan receipts and she said she was back here and to open the front door.  She and Peyton came back to help put away all those nativity pieces and there are lots of them.  They carried them all upstairs, and I got the boxes out of the walk in Attic and we packed them away.  What a great help they both were and what blessings.  It meant so much to me to have their help, even though I didn't want them to have to do it, and had waited til they left.  I didn't even tell them I was going to put them away.  I am blessed with the best and most caring family ever!  All the girls are so kind and thoughtful and they married the most amazing husbands too!  Then on top of that they all are raising wonderful grandkids who are always willing to help with joyful hearts too.  Bill and I watched a movie in the evening.  We were still too full to eat at dinner time, so we just had a couple snacks during the movie.  Cindy, a new member of our Faith Riders Group is doing the Newsletter for me now.  What a blessing and today was the first newsletter she put out.  She did amazing.  I have been doing it for at least 7 years.  Now I just am Web Master for Faith Riders.   


Lela Russell said...

The Rosebowl game was the best ever. A little nerve-racking with me doing a lot of yelling and watching Dr. Pol when I got too excited, but the outcome...Surprisingly awesome.

Love reading about all your parities with great family members. yes we are blessed beyond words.

Vikki's Blog said...

It was fun coming over for leftovers, it always is! Geez we had enough food for days and days haha. We love helping you guys, you have always set such a good example for us girls, always helping people with a cheerful heart. I love that that is being passed on through the generations. I know our kids will pass it to their kids.
I loved seeing Paul, and how nice that dad went to see him. It made Paul's day. Even tonight I was talking to him and he said it was fun seeing dad on his motorcycle. He said "your dad is crazy to ride his motorcycle in the cold!" Haha I agreed!