Saturday, January 15, 2022

Saturday, 1/15/22, Brother John, passed away, Sunny but cold day,, spent day at leadership conference

So sad that my brother, John, passed away on this day.   Thankful that he knew Jesus!

                                        Morning drive was beautiful bit a little slippery

We read our Bibles, ate breakfast, then Bill went out and cleaned the ice and snow off the car and picked me up at the door.  It was 1 degree out but sunny and beautiful!  It got up to 19 degrees in the afternoon. We worshipped, had good prayer time, and heard great messages. We spent the whole day there, then helped take down tables so they could set chairs back in place for tomorrow’s church service.  There were many there who served us, and we wanted to help them and make it easier for them.  I texted with Adam.  I talked to.Vikki a couple of times.  We’re praying for our Isaac because he is coughing.  Found out when we got home that my brother, John, died.  I was sad when I found out.

1 comment:

Vikki's Blog said...

Wow thats a ton of snow! We appreciate the prayers for Isaac, he is so much better today.