Saturday, January 22, 2022

Sat. 1/22/22, Very sad day...our dear friend Kevin died last evening. He was a great friend and brother in the Lord, Kimmy, Jared and the boys came over, Vikki and Peyton came over

Kenzie sent me some baby pictures of Kit-Kat

Adam....Aunt Bippi stuck her hand in his face, but it didn't affect the picture... it did the picture below though.  Adam couldn't help but laugh and I captured it!!!

Peyton with Kit-Kat
Vikki and Kit-Kat
My two biggest kitty spoilers...Eli and Peyton
Took some noodle casserole I had left on my plate out to Kit-Kat. She loved it!

My friend, Vicki, messaged me at 12:36 a.m. to tell me her husband passed away in the evening.  My notifications were turned off, so I didn't find out until this morning when I was still in bed and Bill had just got up and came in and told me right away when he saw it posted by our Chaplain of Faith Riders.  It is so heartbreaking!  They have 5 children.  Two are still home and are 13 and 18.  This family is so close to us and I pray each day for the kids, because their grandparents on both sides have passed away.  It has been a very sad day.  I am glad Kimmy, Jared, Jacob, Adam, and Eli and Vikki and Peyton came over to spend time with us.  It helped having them around us.  Vikki and Rody know Kevin and Vikki real well too and they were sad too.  The kids, especially Eli and Peyton loved the kitty and played with her lots.  I am attached to her already!  Bill even let her be in the house as long as they were holding her.  We ate noodle casserole/pizza for lunch.  Jacob took a nap on the couch.  He was really tired today.  I remember taking naps as a teenager at my grandma and grandpas because I was tired.  It brought back memories.  Vikki, Kimmy and I played a game and a partial game of 3-13.  I won the first game (Bill actually played it for me while I was on the phone) and Vikki won the second game...we could only play up to the 10's because they had to leave to take Jacob's clarinet to Bay City to see about getting it fixed.  Vikki left shortly after.  Kitty spent lots of time in the house today.  I put her outside for an hour to keep her used to it.  She wanted inside badly today, but finally went in her little house and slept.  She explored a little bit farther today, but didn't go off the deck.  As soon as Bill got home from getting an oil change for my car, I put her in the garage.  I didn't want her to run out when the garage door went up when he got home, or get hit. She was happy to be in the garage and ate a little, then went to sleep in her bed.  I brought her in a few times during her outside and garage stays to give her some attention.  I called Roy and Bill and I had a nice talk with him.  He still tested Covid Positive, but is feeling a little better.  Still no appetite, but eating a few bites here and there.  He was as sharp as can be.  Texted with our friend, Kim, whose husband is in the hospital with double pneumonia, on oxygen and on steroids.  He had a kidney transplant 5 years ago and has a weakened immune system. He needs prayer.  Had a nice loving talk with my Melissa too.  She is a trooper and a sweetheart who loves God and her family.  I can say that about all of my family!  Thank You Lord!


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